I had to make Elan's food for the day which took a bit of time so the boys played around a bit and ate some porridge. I am trying to be more gluten free for all of us. Hence the uber cool breakfast of "porridge". After our visit to Dr. Guo and him saying everything in moderation I went a bit crazy about what to do. Poor Elan was on such a restrictive diet and he had lost about 8 oz since we have been here and all of our craziness so I have started to add a lot more to his food. He was so excited to have yogurt again - it made me feel awful I had been restricting it so much. We had gone to a nutritioist/ vitamin/chiropractor and she said he was allergic to dairy and to stay away from it but the other day Elan had a break out again in his thigh area and he had almonds... so not eggs or dairy but almonds as the issue I think... we will let the future tell. He does just fine with dairy and she said he would be fine with eggs and nuts... go figure.
I have figured out that the only way to get 3 cups of his ACE Brain tea is to use that as the liquid in his tube feedings. It has been working pretty good as there is NO way that he would drink a sip of it anyway. So I made the tea (i will go into detail at some point on the arduous time that is!), made food and then we were off!
We had planned on going to a local artist/music fest as well as the zoo. While in downtown Indianapolis we drove by the Assembly Hall - so cool! The traditional limestone of the area and looked like the Lincoln Memorial building... didnt drive back to get a shot but we just happened upon it while driving by and were in awe at the architecture.
We first headed to the Independent Music and Arts festival and it was really great! So much more our speed than any other fest before. Rather Etsy in nature with food trucks - so awesome. They even had kid superhero capes (didn't snag one as kids already have one). I did pick up a necklace which I have had the idea of ever since Elan was born (21 months today!). See below:
We had a great vegan thai sandwich (so OK I was going to be Vegan the entire time we were here or do a clean diet - first meal really fitting that criteria and we are 2 weeks in... Oh well!) then we walked around a bit. We then walked a bit and then headed to a second-hand store which specializes in MCM furniture... really great stuff and decent prices for what it is - but we have no space in our car (or $!) and really, can we justify a Knoll chair right now? I realize it is a 3K chair for $600 but we didn't spend $600 on anything else in our house besides Finn's bunkbeds???? It was still fun to look.
We then were on our way to the zoo - but wait!!! what did I see???? A huge kid's festival put on by PBS and they had ELMO!!!!!! It was an easy conversation - "boys - zoo or Elmo/Curious George/Clifford and a bouncy house?" You guessed it, Elmo won (and for us too since it was FREE). So we fulfilled every kid's dream... Elmo, Curious George, Word Girl (new to PBS but Finn loves her - she solves crimes with spelling - such a concept). and Clifford! We had to wait for 30 minutes for most so didn't get a pic with George but the boys did get to watch him which seemed to be cool enough. Here are the fun pictures!
We then had lunch/dinner around 5 at a pizza place - yummy! in cute area of town. So i ran inside for a minute to wash my hands and come out to the 3 guys... Elan started a joke of picking his nose! He has been doing this the past day or so but this time he did it and laughed and then Finn did it and laughed - of course it is the first time Elan really ever pursued a joke and it has to be all about buggers.
We then headed to Value World (just like Value Village in Charlotte). Rachel told me all about this and it has been much more chilly here than we expected so I wanted to grab a few pullovers for the boys. Prices around $1.50 which was great! I was able to get what we needed plus a few glasses for the house since we have my grandparents coming in a few days and they are scarce. Erik was in the car with the boys watching Thomas as we had a long day and we were hoping they would fall asleep. Well they hadn't...
Just as we go to start the car and - the battery was dead! Erik had it turned only to the mode that kept the video going but had the headlights on and a few other things like his cell phone powering up. Erik went into the store to see if anyone would help us out but of course no one there had a car (it is Value World - think lower than Goodwill but way under picked so don't you dare go there!) Thankfully i remembered we drove by the fire station a block before the parking lot so he headed there with Finn. I got out the jumper cables and popped the hood and was ready for them when they came back and had Elan in my arms... it took 20 seconds for a nice hispanic man to help me out. It only takes a girl in a dress with a baby and you get a guy to help in 20 seconds!
Not being able to turn photos drives me nuts!!! notice the socks on the elephant - it was the knitting day for Indianapolis - where people sporadically knit and for 4 hrs around town. Cute. |
What a great day. Long, but very satisfying. Got back after dark and it still took a few hours to put the kids to bed. The sun doesn't go down until almost 10pm!
I love that picture of the boys!